As a customer, you're probably wondering what's the point of having paid members if they can't lock their course and share the password with other non-paying members in the team. Fear not! This is not an issue in Coursium because it has a feature where you can password protect your course contents.

There are 2 ways to lock your contents. 

  • You can lock it per video or audio level

  • You can lock the content on the page level

Password Protecting Individual Video

1. To lock a video individually, you need to go to ‘Videos’ under Projects and open the video you want to password protect.

2. Once the video is opened, click on the ‘Settings’ icon at the top right corner and select ‘Customize’.

3. A pop up window will show up. Enable password protection by selecting ‘Yes’ on the dropdown list and input your password. Click ‘Save’.

4. Now that it’s done, when you open that video content by simply copying its url on the ‘Share’ button, you’ll see that a password is now required for customers to be able to open it. 

So, when customers input the correct password, they’ll be able to see the content and the transcriptions as well.

Note: The same steps will be applied to individual ‘Audio’ as well when you want to password protect it.

Password Protecting Coursium Page

1. To get started, go to ‘Video Pages’ under Customize and select an existing page by clicking ‘Open’.

2. After opening the page that you selected, click on the ‘Page Settings’ button at the top right corner. 

3. A pop up window will show up. Enable password protection by selecting ‘Yes’ on the dropdown list and input your password. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom part.

4. You can check it by opening the page and you’ll now see that it’ll require a password for customers to be able to open it.

Note: The same steps will be applied to ‘Audio Page’ as well when you want to password protect it.