Starting an eLearning course from scratch can be a daunting task. That's why when you purchase Coursium, it comes with some ready made video course library that is ready to sell. These courses are pre-built and professionally designed with the customer in mind to help them start selling quickly and easily. This tutorial will show you how.

1. Go to ‘DFY Courses’ under Projects. Click on the ‘Download Creatives’ button.

2. Ten modules will be added to your library that are ready to sell video courses that you can start selling immediately.

3. Click the ‘Preview’ button to learn more about the video course. 

4. Click the ‘Use This’ button to add the course to your account. When you do this, the video will sync to your account and you can modify it.

Note: The initializing phase depends on the size of the course.

5. If you want the 10 courses, you have to repeat the same methods to import them.

6. You can also create a course page to sync the videos there. The logic here is to password protect the courses so that only those paid users can gain access to it.

First, select the ‘Video Page’ tab under Customize and click the “Add New’ button to create a new page.

7. Fill out the course page details.

8. Since we already password protect our video, we don’t need to password protect our page but we can add a buy button.We just have to paste our ‘buy button’ code on that HTML code area. Click ‘Save’.

Note: When customers make a purchase, they can unlock our courses.

9. Now that the page has been created, go to ‘Videos’ and from there you’ll see the DFY Learning Video Course that you imported. Click ‘Open’.

10. Once the video has been opened, you’ll see the 'Settings' icon at the top right corner, click on it and select ‘Add To Page’ (depending on what page name you want the video to be added).

11. We can repeat the same steps if we want to add more videos to our DFY page.

12. If you want to change and customize your thumbnail, click on the ‘Settings’ icon and select ‘Customize’.

13. To password protect your courses, you can enable that on the pop up window too and add your password. Click ‘Save’.

So what we did is securing our video courses and only those who purchased or have the password can access the videos.

14. To see the page that we created and the URL, click on the ‘Open Page’ button.

15. And here’s the page we created and the URL. Now, we can start selling courses.