We are excited to share the news that Zoom and GDrive can now be connected with Coursium!  With this, you will be able to upload content from your Google Drive and Zoom account into a course on Coursium. Now, all of your files are accessible from one place! Check out this post for how-to steps.

1. To see where to use the connected app, select ‘Video’ under Projects and click on the ‘Add New’ button.

2. New additional tabs will be added on the right side for Zoom and Google Drive along with the other applications once you connect it.

3.To get to the Zoom and Google Drive connect section, hover over your ‘Name’ icon at the top right corner. Select ‘Settings’.

4. Click on the ‘Connections’ tab and from there, you can connect the Zoom and Google Drive.

5. If you click the button ‘Connect to Zoom’, it’ll route you to the Zoom site and will require you to login. Once it’s done, go back to the ‘Connections’ tab again and you’ll see that you have already connected your Zoom.

Note: Zoom connection is still under review, pending app approval. The best option right now is to download your Zoom section and upload to Coursium.

6. As for the Google Drive, same with Zoom, it’s still under review. When you click on the button ‘Connect to Google Drive’, it’ll route you to a window where it still needs verification. The best way to continue is to click on the ‘Advanced’.

Click the ‘Coursium.net’

7. Tick the ‘checkbox’ and click ‘Continue’

8. Once it’s done, go back to the ‘Connections’ tab again and you’ll see that you have already connected your Google.

9. You can also ‘Refresh token’ and ‘Remove’ access.

10. When you go back to ‘Add New’ video, you can already see that the Zoom and Google Drive has been added.