Your course page is ready. You're about to publish it and then you realize that there's no audio or video modules on the course page! What should you do? Don't worry, we'll teach you how to add them to your page.

1. To get started, you need to create a video or an audio page. Just click on the ‘Add New’ button to create your page.


2. The next step is to add video or audio to your page. In this case, we'll add a video to our Video Page. To do that, you need to go to the ‘Video’ tab under Projects. Click the ‘Add New’ button at the top right corner to add a video or open an existing video.

3. When you open the video, you’ll see the 'Settings' icon at the top right corner, click on it and select ‘Add To Page’ (depending on what page name you want the video to be added).

If you want to add more videos to your page, just repeat the same steps.

4. Once done adding videos, go back to ‘Video Page’ and open your existing page and you’ll see the video/s you added there.

5. The same process should be applied when adding ‘Audio’ to your ‘Audio Page’.